50 Mb storage for 5 € per month
- Save anything you find in Internet (links, pages, texts, images...) in one click
- Store RSS, audio and video podcast
- Upload and save your files online
- Read, listen and see your favorites podcast and RSS
- Buld your own press revue, consult your RSS feeds and podcast
- Create folders and sub folders, to organize your data
- Add comments, notes
- Personnalize graphic user interface
- Retreive instantaneously information with the bult in search engine
- Go back to a page or replay a search query in one click
- Retrieve information on its original context in one click
- Rename links
- Send information and comment by email
- Create a report in one click
- Send report by email
- Receive directly voice message
- Consult your data everywhere with a simple browser : office, home, travel, webcafé...
- Access your data with your Pocket PC connected to Internet
- With your Smartphone connected to Internet, read RSS feeds, see images, links, phone numbers...
Available 24h/24 7d/7. For more information about our offers, please visit the Comparison page |
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